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Z. Labbi, Maarof, A., Senhadji, M., et Belkasmi, M., « Cryptographic Algorithm Approach for Low Cost RFID Systems », in PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 2015, VOL 1, 2016, vol. 380, p. 45-54.
A. Idri, Abnane, I., et Abran, A., « Dealing with Missing Values in Software Project Datasets: A Systematic Mapping Study », in SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, NETWORKING AND PARALLEL/DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, 2016, vol. 653, p. 1-16.
Aa Idri, Abnane, Ia, et Abran, Ab, « Dealing with missing values in software project datasets: A systematic mapping study », Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 653, p. 1-16, 2016.
M. Belhiah, Benqatla, M. S., et Bounabat, B., « Decision support system for implementing data quality projects », Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 584, p. 1-16, 2016.
I. Elaalyani et Erradi, M., « Deep Neural Networks for Medical Images », in Networked Systems, NETYS 2016, 2016, vol. 9944, p. 382.
Ba Aylaj, Belkasmi, Mb, Zouaki, Ha, et Berkani, Ab, « Degeneration simulated annealing algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems », in International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA, 2016, vol. 2016-June, p. 557-562.
Na Assad, Elbhiri, Bb, Faqihi, M. Ac, Ouadou, Ma, et Aboutajdine, Da, « On the deployment quality for multi-intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks », Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 381, p. 469-478, 2016.
N. Assad, Elbhiri, B., Faqihi, M. Ahmed, Ouadou, M., et Aboutajdine, D., « On the Deployment Quality for Multi-intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks », in PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 2015 (MEDCT 2015), VOL 2, 2016, vol. 381, p. 469-478.
B. Bachir, Ahmed, H., et Zouhair, G., « Dominant Multipoint Relaying Method for Efficient Proactive Routing Schema. », Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, vol. 33, p. 321 - 338, 2016.
Ba Bachir, Ahmed, Hab, et Zouhair, Gb, « Dominant multipoint relaying method for efficient proactive routing schema », Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, vol. 33, p. 321-338, 2016.
B. Bachir, Ahmed, H., et Zouhair, G., « Dominant Multipoint Relaying Method for Efficient Proactive Routing Schema », AD HOC & SENSOR WIRELESS NETWORKS, vol. 33, p. 321-338, 2016.
M. Ea Ouahabi, Zakriti, Ab, Essaaidi, Mc, et Touhami, N. Aa, « Dual-band band stop filter based on complementary split ring resonator », International Journal of Microwave and Optical Technology, vol. 11, p. 58-63, 2016.
J. La Fernández-Alemán, Carrillo-De-Gea, J. Ma, Meca, JaVidal, Ros, JaNicolás, Toval, Aa, et Idri, Ab, « Effects of Using Requirements Catalogs on Effectiveness and Productivity of Requirements Specification in a Software Project Management Course », IEEE Transactions on Education, vol. 59, p. 105-118, 2016.
Aa Azougaghe, Kartit, Zb, Hedabou, Ma, Belkasmi, Ma, et Marraki, MbEl, « An efficient algorithm for data security in Cloud storage », in International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, ISDA, 2016, vol. 2016-June, p. 421-427.
N. Assad, Elbhiri, B., Faqihi, M., Ouadou, M., et Aboutajdine, D., « Efficient deployment quality analysis for intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks. », Wireless Networks (10220038), vol. 22, p. 991 - 1006, 2016.
N. Assad, Elbhiri, B., Faqihi, M. Ahmed, Ouadou, M., et Aboutajdine, D., « Efficient deployment quality analysis for intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks », WIRELESS NETWORKS, vol. 22, p. 991-1006, 2016.
Na Assad, Elbhiri, Bb, Faqihi, M. Ac, Ouadou, Ma, et Aboutajdine, Da, « Efficient deployment quality analysis for intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks », Wireless Networks, vol. 22, p. 991-1006, 2016.
Aa Fath-Allah, Cheikhi, La, Al-Qutaish, R. Eb, et Idri, Aa, « An E-government portals' maturity model - Architectural and procedural views », in SITA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, 2016.
A. Fath-Allah, Cheikhi, L., Al-Qutaish, R. E., et Idri, A., « An E-government Portals' Maturity Model - Architectural and Procedural Views », in 2016 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2016.
K. Moumane, Idri, A., et Nafil, K., « An Empirical Evaluation of Mobile Software Usability Using ISO 9126 and QoS DiffServ Model », in NEW TRENDS IN SOFTWARE METHODOLOGIES, TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES, 2016, vol. 286, p. 177-188.
R. E. Mezouary, Choukri, A., Kobbane, A., et Koutbi, M. E., « An energy-aware clustering approach based on the k-means method for wireless sensor networks », Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 366, p. 325-337, 2016.
R. El Mezouary, Choukri, A., Kobbane, A., et Koutbi, M. El, « An Energy-Aware Clustering Approach Based on the K-Means Method forWireless Sensor Networks », in ADVANCES IN UBIQUITOUS NETWORKING, 2016, vol. 366, p. 325-337.
J. Lakhrouit et Baina, K., « Enterprise architecture complexity component based on archimate language », Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 366, p. 535-546, 2016.
J. Lakhrouit et Baina, K., « Enterprise Architecture Complexity Component Based on Archimate Language », in ADVANCES IN UBIQUITOUS NETWORKING, 2016, vol. 366, p. 535-546.
A. Idri et Kadi, I., « Evaluating a decision making system for cardiovascular dysautonomias diagnosis », SpringerPlus, vol. 5, p. 1-17, 2016.




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