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A. Enaanai, Doukkali, A. S., Saif, I., Moutachaouik, H., et Hain, M., « The collaborative relevance in the distributed information retrieval », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2017.
J. MaCarrillo de Gea, Nicolás, Ja, Alemán, J. LaFernÃ. ¡nd, Toval, Aa, Ouhbi, Sb, et Idri, Ab, « Co-located and distributed natural-language requirements specification: Traditional versus reuse-based techniques », Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, vol. 28, p. 205-227, 2016.
J. M. Carrill de Gea, Nicolas, J., Aleman, J. L. Fernand, Toval, A., Ouhbi, S., et Idri, A., « Co-located and distributed natural-language requirements specification: traditional versus reuse-based techniques. », Journal of Software: Evolution & Process, vol. 28, p. 205 - 227, 2016.
J. M. Carrill de Gea, Nicolas, J., Aleman, J. L. Fernand, Toval, A., Ouhbi, S., et Idri, A., « Co-located and distributed natural-language requirements specification: traditional versus reuse-based techniques », JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS, vol. 28, p. 205-227, 2016.
Z. Dya, Badri, A., Sahel, A., et Hajami, A., « Comparative study of fractal technics for digital compressing images », in Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, IPCV 2009, 2009, vol. 2, p. 889-894.
W. Daoudi, Doumi, K., et Kjiri, L., « Complexity and Adaptive Enterprise Architecture », in International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS - Proceedings, 2021, vol. 2, p. 759-767.
W. Daoudi, Doumi, K., et Kjiri, L., « Complexity and Adaptive Enterprise Architecture », in International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS - Proceedings, 2021, vol. 2, p. 759-767.
I. Choukri, Guermah, H., Daosabah, A., et Nassar, M., « Context aware Hidden Markov Model for Intention process mining », in 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences, ICDS 2021, 2021.
K. Imgharene, Doumi, K., et Baina, S., « Continuous Alignment Business IT by factor agility », in 2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT 2018, 2018, p. 905-909.
I. Elaalyani et Erradi, M., « Deep Neural Networks for Medical Images », in Networked Systems, NETYS 2016, 2016, vol. 9944, p. 382.
Z. Didi, I. Azami, E., et Boumait, E. M., « Design of a Security System Based on Raspberry Pi with Motion Detection », Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 455 LNNS, p. 427-434, 2022.
K. Elghomary, Bouzidi, D., et Daoudi, N., « Design of a Smart MOOC Trust Model: Towards a Dynamic Peer Recommendation to Foster Collaboration and Learner’s Engagement », International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, vol. 17, p. 36-56, 2022.
K. Hafdi et Kriouile, A., « Designing ReDy Distributed Systems », in 2015 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMIC COMPUTING, 2015, p. 331-336.
J. D. Bustos-Vanegas, Corrêa, P. C., Martins, M. A., Baptestini, F. M., Campos, R. C., de Oliveira, G. H. H., et Nunes, E. H. M., « Developing predictive models for determining physical properties of coffee beans during the roasting process », Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 112, p. 839-845, 2018.
M. R. Douiri, Cherkaoui, M., Nasser, T., et Essadki, A., « Direct electromagnetic torque control of induction motors powered by high power PWM inverters for two levels or three levels », in Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 2011, p. 1456-1460.
M. R. Douiri, Cherkaoui, M., Nasser, T., et Essadki, A., « Direct torque fuzzy controlled induction machine drive using an optimized extended Kalman filter », in 2011 International Conference on Communications, Computing and Control Applications, CCCA 2011, 2011.
K. Mrhar, Douimi, O., et Abik, M., « A dropout predictor system in moocs based on neural networks », Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics and Intelligent Systems, vol. 14, p. 72-80, 2020.
E. Illi, F. Bouanani, E., Da Costa, D. B., Ayoub, F., et Dias, U. S., « Dual-hop mixed RF-UOW communication system: A PHY Security Analysis », IEEE Access, vol. 6, p. 55345-55360, 2018.
E. Illi, F. Bouanani, E., Da Costa, D. B., Ayoub, F., et Dias, U. S., « Dual-hop mixed RF-UOW communication system: A PHY Security Analysis », IEEE Access, vol. 6, p. 55345-55360, 2018.
A. Harbouche, Elmachkour, M., Djedi, N., Erradi, M., et Kobbane, A., « Dynamic coalitional matching game approach for fair and swift data-gathering in wireless body sensor networks », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.
A. Daosabah, Guermah, H., et Nassar, M., « Dynamic composition of services: an approach driven by the user’s intention and context », International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, vol. 16, p. 324-354, 2021.
I. Ettahiri et Doumi, K., « Dynamic Enterprise Architecture planning using case-based reasoning and blockchain », in Procedia Computer Science, 2022, vol. 204, p. 714-721.
A. Baya, B. Asri, E., Dehmouch, I., et Mcharfi, Z., « Dynamic large scale product lines through modularization approach », in ICEIS 2015 - 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Proceedings, 2015, vol. 2, p. 439-444.
N. Belkhayat, Doukkali, P. A., et Regragui, P. B., « Dynamic model of the E-Strategy inspired from the information systems' urbanization [Modèle dynamique de la E-Stratégie inspiré de l'urbanisation des systèmes d'information] », in 14th International Conference of the Association Information and Management 2009, AIM 2009, 2009.
S. Najam, Dinkelaker, T., Erradi, M., et Ouzzif, M., « A Dynamic Proxy for Lightweight Web Service Composition », in 2012 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS (ICMCS), 2012, p. 699-704.




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