
Export 4 results:
Filters: Auteur is El Asri, I.  [Clear All Filters]
Conference Paper
N. Kerzazi et I. Asri, E., « Release engineering: From structural to functional view », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
Journal Article
E. I. Asri, Kerzazi, N., Benhiba, L., et Janati, M., « From periphery to core: A temporal analysis of github contributors’ collaboration network », IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol. 506, p. 217-229, 2017.
N. Kerzazi et I. Asri, E., « Knowledge flows within open source software projects: A social network perspective », Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 397, p. 247-258, 2017.
N. Kerzazi et I. Asri, E., « Who can help to review this piece of code? », IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol. 480, p. 289-301, 2016.



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