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J. Lakhrouit et Baina, K., « Evaluating complexity of enterprise architecture components landscapes », in 2015 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2015, 2015.
Ja Lakhrouit, Benhaddi, Mb, et Baïna, Ka, « Enterprise architecture approach for agility evaluation », in Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2015, 2015.
J. Lakhrouit et Baina, K., « Enterprise Architecture Complexity Component Based on Archimate Language », in ADVANCES IN UBIQUITOUS NETWORKING, 2016, vol. 366, p. 535-546.
N. Lakki, Ouacha, A., Habbani, A., et J. Abbadi, E., « The integration ofthe speedof mobilityin the selection OFMPR to improve theqosin ad hoc networks », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 36, p. 217-226, 2012.
Na Lakki, Habbani, Aab, et Abbadi, JaEl, « QoS and energy with clustering in MANETs », Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 13, p. 1-16, 2014.
Na Lakki, Ouacha, Aa, Habbani, Aab, et Abbadi, JaEl, « Multi-objective dynamic metric and QoS in networks manets », Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, p. 1070-1081, 2015.
M. Lalaoui, A. Afia, E., et Chiheb, R., « A self-tuned simulated annealing algorithm using hidden markov model », International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 8, p. 291-298, 2018.
M. Lalaoui, A. Afia, E., et Chiheb, R., « Hidden Markov Model for a self-learning of Simulated Annealing cooling law », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 558-563.
M. Lalaoui, A. Afia, E., et Chiheb, R., « A self-adaptive very fast simulated annealing based on Hidden Markov model », in Proceedings of 2017 International Conference of Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2017, 2018, vol. 2018-January, p. 1-8.
M. Lalaoui, A. Afia, E., et Chiheb, R., « A self-tuned simulated annealing algorithm using hidden markov model », International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 8, p. 291-298, 2018.
S. Lamrhari, Elghazi, H., Tigani, S., Faker, A. E., et Sadiki, T., « Enhancing social network communication through dynamic clustering balance », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, vol. 2018-March, p. 63-69.
Sa Lamrhari, Elghazi, Hb, Sadiki, Tb, et Faker, AaEl, « A profile-based Big data architecture for agricultural context », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2016, 2016, p. 22-27.
S. Lamrhari, Ghazi, H. E., Oubrich, M., et Faker, A. E., « A social CRM analytic framework for improving customer retention, acquisition, and conversion », Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 174, 2022.
S. Lamrhari, Elghazi, H., Sadiki, T., et Faker, A. El, « A Profile-Based Big Data Architecture for Agricultural Context », in 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICEIT), 2016, p. 22-27.
S. Lamrhari, Elghazi, H., et A. Faker, E., « Random Forest-based Approach for Classifying Customers in Social CRM », in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions, ICTMOD 2020, 2020.
R. Lamriq, Doukkali, A., et Belkhayat, N., « New weighting system for e-readiness indicators based on indicator importance measurement by the random forest algorithm », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 98, p. 3666-3677, 2020.
P. J. Landrigan, Fuller, R., Acosta, N. J. R., Adeyi, O., Arnold, R., Basu, N. N., Baldé, A. B., Bertollini, R., Bose-O'Reilly, S., Boufford, J. I., Breysse, P. N., Chiles, T., Mahidol, C., Coll-Seck, A. M., Cropper, M. L., Fobil, J., Fuster, V., Greenstone, M., Haines, A., Hanrahan, D., Hunter, D., Khare, M., Krupnick, A., Lanphear, B., Lohani, B., Martin, K., Mathiasen, K. V., McTeer, M. A., Murray, C. J. L., Ndahimananjara, J. D., Perera, F., Potočnik, J., Preker, A. S., Ramesh, J., Rockström, J., Salinas, C., Samson, L. D., Sandilya, K., Sly, P. D., Smith, K. R., Steiner, A., Stewart, R. B., Suk, W. A., van Schayck, O. C. P., Yadama, G. N., Yumkella, K., et Zhong, M., « The Lancet Commission on pollution and health », The Lancet, vol. 391, p. 462-512, 2018.
Oa Lehmer, Ben Abdelouahab, Fa, et Essaaidi, Mb, « A compact frequency reconfigurable antenna for handheld devices standard », in Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, 2015, vol. 2015-April.
Oa Lehmer, Ben Abdelouahab, Fa, et Essaaidi, Mb, « A new reconfigurable antenna for digital video broadcasting », in Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, 2015, vol. 2015-April.
M. Lethrech, Elmagrouni, I., Nassar, M., Kriouile, A., et Kenzi, A., « Domain Specific Modeling Approach for Context-Aware Service Oriented Systems », in 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING AND SYSTEMS (ICMCS), 2014, p. 581-587.
Ma Lethrech, Kenzi, Ab, Elmagrouni, Ia, Nassar, Ma, et Kriouile, Aa, « CADSSO: A development approach for contextaware service oriented systems », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, vol. 78, p. 236-252, 2015.
M. Lethrech, Elmagrouni, I., Nassar, M., Kriouile, A., et Kenzi, A., « A Generic Metamodel for Adaptable Service Oriented Systems Modeling using DSM Approach », in 2013 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ISKO-MAGHREB, 2013.
Ma Lethrech, Elmagrouni, Ia, Nassar, Ma, Kriouile, Aa, et Kenzi, Ab, « A generic metamodel for adaptable service oriented systems modeling using DSM approach », in 2013 3rd International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb, 2013.
Ma Lethrech, Elmagrouni, Ia, Nassar, Ma, Kriouile, Aa, et Kenzi, Ab, « Domain Specific Modeling approach for context-aware service oriented systems », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2014, p. 575-581.
Ma Lethrech, Kenzi, Ab, Elmagrouni, Ia, Nassar, Ma, et Kriouile, Aa, « A process definition for domain specific software development », in Proceedings of 2015 IEEE World Conference on Complex Systems, WCCS 2015, 2015.




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