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A. Boukhriss, Nasser, T., et Essadki, A., « Power control for a doubly fed induction generator », in Proceedings of 2012 International Conference on Complex Systems, ICCS 2012, 2012.
A. Boualouch, Essadki, A., Nasser, T., Frigui, A., et Boukhriss, A., « Adrc performance in power control of dfig used in wind turbine during grid voltage fault 1 », International Journal of Control and Automation, vol. 11, p. 43-56, 2018.
M. Nadour, Essadki, A., Fdaili, M., et Nasser, T., « Advanced Backstepping Control of a Wind Energy Conversion System Using a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator », in Proceedings of 2017 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2017, 2018.
S. Mensou, Essadki, A., Minka, I., Nasser, T., et Idrissi, B. B., « Backstepping Controller for a Variable Wind Speed Energy Conversion System Based on a DFIG », in Proceedings of 2017 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2017, 2018.
M. Fdaili, Essadki, A., Nadour, M., et Nasser, T., « Comparative Study of MPPT and Pitch Angle Control Strategies for a Wind Energy Conversion System », in Proceedings of 2017 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2017, 2018.
M. Chakib, Essadki, A., et Nasser, T., « A comparative study of PI, RST and ADRC control strategies of a doubly fed induction generator based wind energy conversion system », International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, vol. 8, p. 964-973, 2018.
I. Kharchouf, Essadki, A., Arbaoui, M., et Nasser, T., « Modeling and PI Control Strategy of DFIG Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems », in Proceedings of 2017 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2017, 2018.
M. Arbaoui, Essadki, A., Kharchouf, I., et Nasser, T., « A New Robust Control by Active Disturbance Rejection Control Applied on Wind Turbine System Based on Doubly Fed Induction Generator DFIG », in Proceedings of 2017 International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference, IRSEC 2017, 2018.
A. A. Mancour et Nasser, T., « Optimal voltage and reactive power control in power distribution system », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, p. 38-41.




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