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E. Illi, F. Bouanani, E., et Ayoub, F., « A performance study of a hybrid 5G RF/FSO transmission system », in Proceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017, 2017.
E. Illi, F. Bouanani, E., Ayoub, F., et Alouini, M. - S., « A PHY layer security analysis of a hybrid high throughput satellite with an optical feeder link », IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, vol. 1, 2020.
M. Bouabdellah, F. Bouanani, E., et Alouini, M. - S., « A PHY Layer Security Analysis of Uplink Cooperative Jamming-Based Underlay CRNs with Multi-Eavesdroppers », IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 6, p. 704-717, 2020.
M. Belkasmi et F. Bouanani, E., « Preface », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.
E. Illi, Qaraqe, M. K., F. Bouanani, E., et Al-Kuwari, S. M., « On the Secrecy Analysis of a RIS-aided Wireless Communication System Subject to Phase Quantization Errors », in 2022 International Balkan Conference on Communications and Networking, BalkanCom 2022, 2022, p. 152-156.
M. Bouabdellah, F. Bouanani, E., et Ben-Azza, H., « Secrecy outage probability in cognitive radio networks subject to Rayleigh fading channels », in Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking, CommNet 2018, 2018, p. 1-5.
M. Bouabdellah, F. Bouanani, E., et Ben-Azza, H., « A secure cooperative transmission model in VANET using attribute based encryption », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.
T. Chaayra, Y. Ansari, E., F. Bouanani, E., et Ben-Azza, H., « Statistical Analysis of Uplink Massive MIMO Systems for MRC Linear Receivers over Weibull Fading Channels », in Proceedings - 4th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking, CommNet 2021, 2021.




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