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L. Ajallouda, Fagroud, F. Z., Zellou, A., et Benlahmar, E. H., « Automatic Key-Phrase Extraction: Empirical Study of Graph-Based Methods », Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 489 LNNS, p. 440-456, 2022.
L. Ajallouda, Najmani, K., Zellou, A., et Benlahmar, E. H., « Doc2Vec, SBERT, InferSent, and USE Which embedding technique for noun phrases? », in 2022 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, IRASET 2022, 2022.
K. Najmani, Ajallouda, L., Benlahmar, E. H., Sael, N., et Zellou, A., « The Impact of the k-Nearest Neighbor Parameters in Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems », Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 489 LNNS, p. 556-567, 2022.
K. Najmani, Ajallouda, L., Benlahmar, E. H., Sael, N., et Zellou, A., « Offline and Online Evaluation for Recommender Systems », in 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision, ISCV 2022, 2022.
L. Ajallouda, Fagroud, F. Z., Zellou, A., et Benlahmar, E. H., « A Systematic Literature Review of Keyphrases Extraction Approaches », International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, vol. 16, p. 31-58, 2022.
L. Ajallouda, Hourrane, O., Zellou, A., et Benlahmar, E. H., « Toward a New Process for Candidate Key-Phrases Extraction », Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol. 455 LNNS, p. 466-474, 2022.



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