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Filters: Auteur is Khoumsi, Ahmed  [Clear All Filters]
Conference Paper
A. Khoumsi, Erradi, M., Ayache, M., et Krombi, W., « An Approach to Resolve NP-Hard Problems of Firewalls », in Networked Systems, NETYS 2016, 2016, vol. 9944, p. 229-243.
W. Krombi, Erradi, M., et Khoumsi, A., « Automata-Based Approach to Design and Analyze Security Policies », in 2014 TWELFTH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRIVACY, SECURITY AND TRUST (PST), 2014, p. 306-313.
A. Khoumsi, Krombi, W., et Erradi, M., « A Formal Approach to Verify Completeness and Detect Anomalies in Firewall Security Policies », in FOUNDATIONS AND PRACTICE OF SECURITY (FPS 2014), 2015, vol. 8930, p. 221-236.
M. Ayache, Erradi, M., Freisleben, B., et Khoumsi, A., « Towards an Efficient Policy Evaluation Process in Multi-Tenancy Cloud Environments », in CCSW'16: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 ACM CLOUD COMPUTING SECURITY WORKSHOP, 2016, p. 55-59.



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