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Conference Paper
B. Hdioud, Ezzahout, A., Hadi, Y., Haj, R. Oulad, et , « A Real-Time People Tracking System Based on Trajectory Estimation Using Single Field of Camera View », in 2013 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TECHNOLOGY (ICCAT), 2013.
Ba Hdioud, Ezzahout, Aa, Hadi, Yab, et Thami, R. OaHaj, « A real-time people tracking system based on trajectory estimation using single field of camera view », in International Conference on Computer Applications Technology, ICCAT 2013, 2013.
B. Aziz, Nourdine, E., et Mohamed, E. Koutbi, « A Recent Survey on Key Management Schemes in MANET », in 2008 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES: FROM THEORY TO APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-5, 2008, p. 2031-2036.
H. Bouirouga, Lrit, S. E., Jilbab, A., et Aboutajdine, D., « Recognition of adult video by combining skin detection features with motion information », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2011.
E. O. Maleky, Ben Abdelouahab, F., Essaaidi, M., et Ajana, L., « Reconfigurable T-shaped antenna for S-band applications », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2017, p. 451-455.
Aa Haddad, Aoutoul, Mb, Rais, Ka, et Essaaidi, Mc, « Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna (RDRA) for anti-collision short range radar (SRR) application », in Proceedings of 2016 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies, ICEIT 2016, 2016, p. 237-239.
A. Haddad, Aoutoul, M., Rais, K., et Essaaidi, M., « Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna (RDRA) for Anti-collision Short Range Radar (SRR) Application », in 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (ICEIT), 2016, p. 237-239.
E. A. Kaid, Baina, K., et Baïna, J., « Reduce False Positive Alerts for Elderly Person Fall Video-Detection Algorithm by convolutional neural network model », in Procedia Computer Science, 2019, vol. 148, p. 2-11.
A. Berkani et Belkasmi, M., « A reduced complexity decoder using compact genetic algorithm for linear block codes », in 2016 International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Information Security, ACOSIS 2016 - Proceedings, 2017.
M. Benamar, Koutbi, M. E., Benamar, N., et Mezrioui, A., « Reducing dogleg routing in mobile IPv6 by the enhancement of home agents deployment », in International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings, 2011.
H. Amraoui, Habbani, A., et Hajami, A., « Reducing network topology over smart digital mobile environment using linear programming approach », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018, p. 1-8.
A. Remli, Khtira, A., et B. Asri, E., « Reference Architecture for Efficient Computer Integrated Manufacturing », in International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS - Proceedings, 2021, vol. 1, p. 328-334.
N. Kerzazi et I. Asri, E., « Release engineering: From structural to functional view », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
Ya Bounagui, Hafiddi, Hab, et Mezrioui, Aa, « Requirements definition for a holistic approach of cloud computing governance », in Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA, 2016, vol. 2016-July.
S. Ouhbi, Idri, A., Hakmi, R., Benjelloun, H., Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., et Toval, A., « Requirements for a mobile personal health record to improve cardiovascular healthcare services », in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2017, vol. Part F128005, p. 557-562.
S. Ouhbi, Idri, A., Hakmi, R., Benjelloun, H., Fernandez-Aleman, J. Luis, et Toval, A., « Requirements Specification of an e-Health Solution to Improve Cardiovascular Healthcare Services in Morocco », in 2016 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS (SITA), 2016.
Sa Ouhbi, Idri, Aa, Hakmi, Ra, Benjelloun, Hb, Fernandez-Aleman, J. Lc, et Toval, Ac, « Requirements specification of an e-health solution to improve cardiovascular healthcare services in Morocco », in SITA 2016 - 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, 2016.
Y. Ben-Aboud, Ghogho, M., et Kobbane, A., « A research-oriented low-cost air pollution monitoring IoT platform », in 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, IWCMC 2020, 2020, p. 1324-1329.
Z. Mcharfi, B. Asri, E., Dehmouch, I., Baya, A., et Kriouile, A., « Return on investment of software product line traceability in the short, mid and long term », in ICEIS 2015 - 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Proceedings, 2015, vol. 2, p. 463-468.
L. Sardi, Idri, A., Redman, L. M., Alami, H., et Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., « A Reusable Catalog of Requirements for Gamified Mobile Health Applications », in International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, ENASE - Proceedings, 2022, p. 435-442.
S. Ouhbi, Fernandez-Aleman, J. L., Idri, A., Toval, A., Pozo, J. R., et Bajta, M. E., « A reusable requirements catalog for internationalized and sustainable blood donation apps », in ENASE 2017 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, 2017, p. 285-292.
C. Miloudi, Cheikhi, L., et Idri, A., « A Review of Open Source Software Maintenance Effort Estimation », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, p. 251-256.
A. Rhazale et Bounabat, B., « A review of the governement information systems of organizational interoperability », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2018.
E. M. Akrouchi, Benbrahim, H., et Kassou, I., « Review on adopting concept extraction in weak signals detection in competitive intelligence », in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2021.
O. Aoun et Afia, A. El, « A Robust Crew Pairing based on Multi-Agent Markov Decision Processes », in 2014 SECOND WORLD CONFERENCE ON COMPLEX SYSTEMS (WCCS), 2014, p. 762-768.




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