Alignment of viewpoint heterogeneous design models: "Emergency Department" Case Study

TitreAlignment of viewpoint heterogeneous design models: "Emergency Department" Case Study
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsHamlaoui, Mab El, Coulette, Bb, Ebersold, Sb, Bennani, Sa, Nassar, Ma, Anwar, Ae, Beugnard, Ac, Bach, JCc, Jamoussi, Yd, Tran, HNb
Conference NameCEUR Workshop Proceedings

Generally, various models can be used to describe a given application domain on different aspects and thus give rise to several views. To have a complete view of the application domain, heterogeneous models need to be unified, which is a hard task to do. To tackle this problem, we have proposed a method to relate partial models without combining them in a single model. In our approach, partial models are organized as a network of models through a virtual global model called M1C (Model of correspondences between models) which conforms to a ubiquitous language based on a Meta-Model of Correspondences (MMC). This paper presents an application of our method to an "Emergency Department" case study. It has been performed as a collaborative process involving model designers and a supervisor. The focus is put on the building of the M1C model from 3 partial models.




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