From Big Data to Big Knowledge: The art of making Big Data alive

TitreFrom Big Data to Big Knowledge: The art of making Big Data alive
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsM. Houari, E, Rhanoui, M, B. Asri, E
Conference NameProceedings of 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2015

Nowadays Big Data becomes one of the biggest buzz concepts in IT world especially with the vertiginous development driving the increase of data encouraged by the emergence of high technologies of storage like cloud computing. Big Data can create efficient challenging solutions in health, security, government and more; and usher in a new era of analytics and decisions. Knowledge Management comprises a set of strategies and practices used to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable creating experience that can constitute a real immaterial capital. However, to bring significant meaning to the perpetual tsunami of data and manage them, Big Data needs Knowledge Management. In the same way, to broaden the scope of its targeted analyzes, Knowledge Management requires Big Data. Thus, there is a complementary relation between these two major concepts. This paper presents a state of art where we try to explore Big Data within the context of Knowledge Management. We discuss the bi-directional relationship linking this two fundamental concepts and their strategic utility in making analytics valuable especially with the combination of their interactions which create an effective Big Knowledge to build experience. © 2015 IEEE.




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