CBPM: An Approach for Contextual Business Process Modeling

TitreCBPM: An Approach for Contextual Business Process Modeling
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBouroumi, JEL, Guermah, H, Nassar, M, Kriouile, A
Conference Name4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Data Sciences, ICDS 2020
Mots-clésBP model, Business Process, Business process model, Data Science, Intelligent computing, Meta model, Process engineering, Ubiquitous computing

With the evolution of ubiquitous computing, the consideration of the context in applications became indispensable and this is the case for business process modeling. In recent years, several approaches have been proposed to introduce context into BP modeling. In this article, we will present an approach which allows to model business process while integrating context notion, we will propose a meta-model of context that allows to model the context in a generic way, and also a framework to gather this context meta-model with the BPMN model in order to elaborate a contextual business process. © 2020 IEEE.




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