Chidamber and kemerer object-oriented measures: Analysis of their design from the metrology perspective

TitreChidamber and kemerer object-oriented measures: Analysis of their design from the metrology perspective
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsCheikhi, La, Al-Qutaish, REb, Idri, Aa, Sellami, Ac
JournalInternational Journal of Software Engineering and its Applications

During the last decade, software product measurement field has known many improvements and becomes an emerging field of software engineering. Based on the used programming approaches such as object-oriented, structured programming, etc., different kinds of measures are proposed in the literature. These sets of measures were defined many years ago to measure software artifacts, for example, source code and design, However, such measures need to be verified and validated based on the lessons learned from the measurement and metrology concepts. This paper focuses on software product measures, in particular, the object-oriented measures. Moreover, it aims at analyzing the design of a well-known and one of the most used object-oriented measures, that is, the Chidamber and Kemerer measures suite. In addition, this paper provides an investigation of the extent to which this set of measures addresses the metrology concepts related to the software measurement design. © 2014 SERSC.




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