A cloud service template for enabling accurate cloud adoption and migration

TitreA cloud service template for enabling accurate cloud adoption and migration
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsC. Houssaini, E, Nassar, M, Kriouile, A
Conference NameProceedings of 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2015

Since the cloud services are increasing exponentially, discover, filter, select and eventually migrate to the appropriate service is becoming a challenging mission. In the literature, several Service Template initiatives are proposed to deal with service description, topology and even portability, but they fail to emphasis the integration of consumer concerns and the migration feasibility checking before decision making. To fill the gap, the paper introduce a cloud service template that structured in three parts with a dedicated migration one. Also, a weight concept is added to service parameters in order to enforce importance and priority. Additionally, a context awareness mechanism is introduced for enabling automated service template adaptation. © 2015 IEEE.




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