A Complete Prenatal Solution for a Reproductive Health Unit in Morocco

TitreA Complete Prenatal Solution for a Reproductive Health Unit in Morocco
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBachiri, M, Idri, A, Rachad, T, Alami, H, Redman, LM
JournalAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Volume1161 AISC
Mots-clésComplete solutions, electronic health record, Eligibility criterion, Health, Information systems, Information use, Personal health record, Pregnant woman, Recruitment process, reproductive health

A prenatal mobile Personal Health Records (mPHR), along with an Electronic Health Records (EHR) are, respectively, exploited in order to permit both the pregnant women and gynecologists or obstetricians monitor the pregnancy progress in the best conditions. For this intent, a complete solution consisting of a prenatal mPHR and an EHR were developed for the maternity “Les Orangers” of the Avicenne University Hospital in Rabat. The complete solution provides the main functionalities of a prenatal service. Thereafter, the solution will be validated by conducting an experiment for quality and potential assessment. Hence, a recruitment process has been determined to identify the eligibility criteria to enroll participants (pregnant women and gynecologists), in addition to planning the course of the experiment. © 2020, The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.




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