Design and realization of three-pole bandpass filter with spurious response suppression using defected ground structures

TitreDesign and realization of three-pole bandpass filter with spurious response suppression using defected ground structures
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsZakriti, Aa, Touhami, NAb, Bargach, Kb, Lamsalli, Ma, Essaaidi, Mc
JournalProgress In Electromagnetics Research C

In this paper, a three-pole bandpass filter (BPF) using a new defected ground structure (DGS) is discussed. The proposed DGS is incorporated in the ground plane under the feed lines and the coupled lines of a bandpass filter to improve the performance of the filter in both passband and stopband. The banpass filter is designed with a center frequency of 1.8 GHz and a bandwidth of 270 MHz. The suppression of better than 20 dB was achieved for frequencies between 2.2 and 5 GHz. A prototype of BPF was fabricated and tested. Prototype measured data was in good agreement with simulation results.




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