On the Distribution of the Sum of Málaga-M Random Variables and Applications

TitreOn the Distribution of the Sum of Málaga-M Random Variables and Applications
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsIlli, E, Bouanani, FE, Ayoub, F
JournalIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Mots-clésApproximate results, Approximation methods, Average symbol error rate (SER), Diversity order, Error statistics, Maximal ratio combining (MRC) receivers, Moment generating function, Pointing errors, Probability density function, Random variates

In this paper, a very accurate approximation method for the statistics of the sum of Málaga-M random variates with pointing error (MRVs) is proposed. In particular, the probability density function of MRV is approximated by a Fox's H-function through the moment-based approach. Then, the respective moment-generating function of the sum of N MRVs is provided, based on which the average symbol error rate is evaluated for an N-branch maximal-ratio combining (MRC) receiver. The retrieved results show that the proposed approximate results match accurately with the exact simulated ones. Additionally, the results show that the achievable diversity order increases as a function of the number of MRC diversity branches. © 1967-2012 IEEE.




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