Efficient deployment quality analysis for intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks.

TitreEfficient deployment quality analysis for intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAssad, N, Elbhiri, B, Faqihi, M, Ouadou, M, Aboutajdine, D
JournalWireless Networks (10220038)
Pagination991 - 1006
Mots-clésGraph theory, Integer programming, Intrusion detection probability, Intrusion detection systems (Computer security), Multiple access protocols (Computer network protocols), Network connectivity, Network coverage, Quality of service, Sensing range, Transmission range, Wireless sensor networks

The intrusion detection in a Wireless Sensor Network is defined as a mechanism to monitor and detect any intruder in a sensing area. The sensor deployment quality is a critical issue since it reflects the cost and detection capability of a wireless sensor network. The quality of deterministic deployment can be determined sufficiently by a rigorous analysis before the deployment. However, when random deployment is required, determining the deployment quality becomes challenging. In the intrusion detection application, it is necessary to define more precise measures of sensing range, transmission range, and node density that impact overall system performance. The major question is centred around the quality of intrusion detection in WSN, how we can guarantee that each point of the sensing area is covered by at least one sensor node, and what a sufficient condition to guarantee the network connectivity? In this paper, we propose an appropriate probabilistic model which provides the cover




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