Mapping discovery methodology in a pure P2P mediation system for XML schemas

TitreMapping discovery methodology in a pure P2P mediation system for XML schemas
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSelma, EYEl Idrissi, Zellou, A, Idri, A
Conference Name2015 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems: Theories and Applications, SITA 2015

The exponential development of information exchange today has updated the difficulties to find the relevant information wished by an end user. Indeed, the information is represented and stored in a multitude of information sources in a very heterogeneous way. The type of these information sources can be varied (textual data, relational, multimedia, semi structured ...) and their very different storage systems (file system, DBMS, applications). It is thus necessary to offer an information sources integration system, while assuring the transparency to the distribution and the heterogeneousness. In this work, we focus to integration of information sources via the mediation approach in a pur P2P environment. We are particularly interested to the Mapping discovery in this type of system integration. © 2015 IEEE.




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