MiCATS: Middleware for Context-Aware Transactional Services

TitreMiCATS: Middleware for Context-Aware Transactional Services
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsEttazi, W, Hafiddi, H, Nassar, M, Ebersold, S
EditorHammoudi, S, Maciaszek, L, Teniente, E, Camp, O, Cordeiro, J
PublisherInst Syst & Technol Informat Control & Commun; Assoc Advancement Artificial Intelligence; IEICE Special Interest Grp Software Enterprise Modelling; ACM Special Interest Grp Management Informat Syst; ACM Special Interest Grp Artificial Intelligence; Asocia
ISBN Number978-3-319-29133-8; 978-3-319-29132-1

In context-aware service-based environments, fulfilling user's recommendations bring about several challenges that are mainly due to the dynamic nature and limited underlying resources of these environments. In this paper, we mainly focus on the transactional aspects of context-aware services. To cope with the aforementioned issues, we opt for a middleware-based solution (MiCATS). We therefore present our novel approach for managing context-aware transactions which allows for adaptation to the requirements of applications and mobile context in terms of transactional properties. Then, we introduce our context-aware transactional service model (CATSM) and a context-aware architecture based on adaptation policies. The proposed contributions are implemented within a middleware platform.




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