Mobile Technology for Improved Contraceptive Care in Morocco

TitreMobile Technology for Improved Contraceptive Care in Morocco
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKharbouch, M, Idri, A, Rachad, T, Alami, H, Redman, L, Stelate, Y
JournalJournal of Medical Systems
Mots-clésadult, Article, awareness, contraception, contraceptive agent, Contraceptive Agents, contraceptive behavior, eligibility criteria, evidence based practice center, experimental design, female, female fertility, field study, health care quality, healthy lifestyle, human, Humans, injectable contraceptive agent, long-acting reversible contraception, luteinizing hormone, menstrual cycle, Methodology, mobile application, Mobile applications, Morocco, oral contraceptive agent, patient care, pill, pregnancy, prescription, Privacy, questionnaire, reliability, reproductive health, risk factor, sexual health, technology, unplanned pregnancy, women's health, World Health Organization

The fulfillment of unmet needs for contraception can help women reach their reproductive goals. Therefore, there is a growing concern worldwide about contraception and women’s knowledge of making an advised choice about it. In this aspect, an outgrown number of apps are now available providing information concerning contraception whether it concerns natural contraception or modern contraception. However, vast amounts of these apps contain inaccurate sexual health facts and non-evidence-based information concerning contraception. On these bases, and in respect to: (1) the needs of women to effectively prevent unintended pregnancies while conducting a stress-free healthy lifestyle. (2) the World Health Organization (WHO) Medical Eligibility Criteria (MEC) for contraception’s recommendations, and (3) the results/recommendations of a field study conducted in the reproductive health center ‘Les Orangers’ in Rabat to collect the app’s requirements, we developed an evidence-based patient-centered contraceptive app referred to as ‘MyContraception’. Thereafter, we conducted a set of functional tests to ensure that the MyContraception solution is performing as expected and is conform to the software functional requirements previously set before moving to non-functional requirements evaluation. Since customer’s feedback is valuable to non-functional testing, we choose to evaluate potential users’ feedback. Moreover, giving that mobile app testing is a complex process involving different skill sets, we elaborated a rigorous experimental design to conduct an empirical evaluation of the MyContraception solution, which will exhaustively assess the overall quality of this solution and examine its effects on improving the quality of patient-centered contraception care. © 2021, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.




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