New hard decision decoder of LDPC codes using single bit flipping algorithm

TitreNew hard decision decoder of LDPC codes using single bit flipping algorithm
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAddi, S, Berkani, A, Azouaoui, A, Belkasmi, M
Conference NameProceedings - 2017 International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications, WINCOM 2017

The Bit-Flipping (BF) algorithm is considered as a hard decoding method for LDPC codes. It is much simpler than the probabilistic methods like Sum Product Algorithm (SPA), and can be efficiently implemented by electronic circuits. In this paper, we propose a new Bit Flipping algorithm for Low-Density Parity- Check codes (LDPC) called Single Bit-Flipping (SBF). Compared to the Gallager Bit-Flipping algorithm, the proposed algorithm employs criteria of flipping single bit chosen carefully. This method eliminates the risk for flipping more than one bit at a time that can induce additional error bits and propagate the errors to the later iterations. We present some results obtained by applying this new method that provides a gain in performance in comparison to the standard Gallager Bit-Flipping with low complexity. ©2017 IEEE.




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