A novel text-to-speech synthesizer for processing sms in moroccan Arabic

TitreA novel text-to-speech synthesizer for processing sms in moroccan Arabic
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMoumen, R, Chiheb, R, Zarra, T, Faizi, R, A. Afia, E
Conference NameProceedings of International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, CIE

This paper proposes a novel text-to-speech (TTS) system that converts text messages (SMS) into speech sequences. This system takes into consideration the characteristics of the Moroccan context, where several languages might be used in the same text message. Therefore, the languages that are analyzed in this work are English, French, Moroccan Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Processing French, English, or Modern Standard Arabic is common and has given satisfying results. However, Moroccan Arabic remains under-studied for many reasons, particularly the lack of data resources given that this Arabic dialect is primarily spoken and non-codified.




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