AN ONTOLOGY CHANGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM An Experiment on a Health Care Case Study

TitreAN ONTOLOGY CHANGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM An Experiment on a Health Care Case Study
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsSlimani, S, Baina, K, Baina, S, Henkel, M, Perjons, E
EditorFilipe, J, Dietz, JLG
Conference NameKEOD 2010: Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
PublisherInst Syst & Technol Informat Control & Commun
ISBN Number978-989-8425-29-4

Numerous ontologies have been developed for life science domains. These ontologies are continuously changing. Thus, it is becoming profitable to study and to manage these ontologies change in order to keep all dependent ontologies and their related mappings consistent. The aim of this paper is to propose an agent based approach enabling not only ontology and ontology mapping evolution analysis but also to manage their changes. An experiment in health care illustrates the benefits of our approach. We apply our algorithm, and implementation prototype p(2)OEManager to eye specialist ontology (ESO) and primary health care ontology (PCO), and particularly, we use our ontology agent model, and prototype to manage some significant changes in the ESO ontology.




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