Operating room scheduling 2019 survey

TitreOperating room scheduling 2019 survey
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsToub, M, Souissi, O, Achchab, S
JournalInternational Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics
Mots-clésadult, agricultural worker, Article, budget, clinical evaluation, computer assisted tomography, Computer simulation, cost effectiveness analysis, eutrophication, febrile neutropenia, female, genetic algorithm, health care cost, health care facility, health care system, hip replacement, hospital cost, hospitalization, human, intensive care unit, length of stay, Machine learning, male, mathematical model, operating room personnel, operation duration, Patient satisfaction, population size, stochastic model, system analysis, Time series analysis, total quality management, vaccination, work environment, workload

Numerous optimisation problems in healthcare have been approached by researchers over the last three to four decades. Hospital logistics - organised and structured to secure patient satisfaction in terms of quality, quantity, time, security and least cost - forms part of the quest for global performance. We provide herein a review of recent study and applications of operations research in healthcare. In particular, we survey work on optimisation problems, focusing on the planning and scheduling of operating rooms. The latter is a highly strategic place within the hospital as it requires key medical competence and according to Macario (2008) surgical sector expenditure represents nearly a third of a hospital's budget. We analyse recent research on operating room planning and scheduling from 2008 to 2019; our evaluation is based on patient characteristics, performance measurement, the solution techniques used in the research and the applicability of the research to real life cases. The searches were based on PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar databases. Copyright © 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.




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