Operator-based coordination between heterogeneous DSLs: Case of telecommunication network supervision

TitreOperator-based coordination between heterogeneous DSLs: Case of telecommunication network supervision
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsEssadi, Na, Anwar, Aa, Mahmoud, Nb
Conference Name2016 International Conference on Information Technology for Organizations Development, IT4OD 2016

Coordination between heterogeneous DSLs is needed more and more to overcome complexity of modern systems involving many business domains. This article gives a definition of heterogeneity, coordination and a classification of possible relationships between DSLs. Then, propose coordination operators to resolve heterogeneity accordingly with precedent works. As illustrative example, the paper presents a telecommunication network supervision system where two different DSLs: DSL ANS.1 and DSL supervision need to be coordinated, an operator of structural mapping has been used to coordinate between the two DSLs. © 2016 IEEE.




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