Optimization of inventory levels in the blood transfusion centers in Morocco

TitreOptimization of inventory levels in the blood transfusion centers in Morocco
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBellabdaoui, A, Bennis, I, Saadi, J, Benajiba, M
Date PublishedMAR

Purpose of the study. - Improve the flow of quantities of blood products between the different centers to restore the ideal quantities at low cost. Materials and methods. - The problem addressed in this work concerns the balancing inventory levels between blood transfusion centers in Morocco. This problem is characterized by a number of constraints to be taken into account: safety stock, stock ideal proportional balancing of stocks, etc. An integer linear model has been proposed to determine the optimal allocation between different centers. Two variants are examined; the first which aims to minimize the level of inventory loss, the second is to balance the different levels of stock, so that all centers have a level of surplus stock and/or loss proportional to the ideal stock. Results. - Two variants of an integer linear model that determine the optimal allocation between different centers has been proposed and their performance was evaluated by experimental results obtained using a solver commercial. Conclusion. - The results of this study allow us to meet the,goal of PSL availability of sufficient and subsequently the quality of service required blood transfusion. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.




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