Optimization of inventory levels in the blood transfusion centers in Morocco [Optimisation des niveaux de stock dans les centres de transfusion sanguine au Maroc]

TitreOptimization of inventory levels in the blood transfusion centers in Morocco [Optimisation des niveaux de stock dans les centres de transfusion sanguine au Maroc]
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsBellabdaoui, Aa, Bennis, Ib, Saadi, Jb, Benajiba, Mc
JournalTransfusion Clinique et Biologique

Purpose of the study: Improve the flow of quantities of blood products between the different centers to restore the ideal quantities at low cost. Materials and methods: The problem addressed in this work concerns the balancing inventory levels between blood transfusion centers in Morocco. This problem is characterized by a number of constraints to be taken into account: safety stock, stock ideal proportional balancing of stocks, etc. An integer linear model has been proposed to determine the optimal allocation between different centers. Two variants are examined; the first which aims to minimize the level of inventory loss, the second is to balance the different levels of stock, so that all centers have a level of surplus stock and/or loss proportional to the ideal stock. Results: Two variants of an integer linear model that determine the optimal allocation between different centers has been proposed and their performance was evaluated by experimental results obtained using a solver commercial. Conclusion: The results of this study allow us to meet the goal of PSL availability of sufficient and subsequently the quality of service required blood transfusion. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS.




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