Parallel GRASP algorithm with delay and delay variation for core selection in shared tree based multicast routing protocols

TitreParallel GRASP algorithm with delay and delay variation for core selection in shared tree based multicast routing protocols
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsBaddi, Y, Kettani, MDEch-Cherif
Conference Name2013 3rd International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology, INTECH 2013

Many multicast routing protocols has proposed to support efficient multimedia application, PIM-SM and CBT protocols remain the most used multicast routing protocol; they propose using a Shared Tree ST to forward multicast packets. The prime problem concerning ST construction is to determine an optimal multicast router in the network as root; this problem is called Core selection. This problem influences the multicast routing tree structure, and therefore influences performances of the multicast session and multicast routing scheme. Determination of a best core position is an NP complete problem, first proposed by Wall, which needs to be solved with a heuristic algorithm. In this paper we propose a new Core selection algorithm based on Parallel GRAS Procedure and new CMP fitness function. 2DV-PGRASP-CR selects Core by considering cost, delay and delay variation functions and can be easily integrated to bootstrap RP protocol used by PIM-SM and CBT. Simulation results show that good performance is achieved in multicast cost. © 2013 IEEE.




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