Quality based project control using interoperability degree as a quality factor

TitreQuality based project control using interoperability degree as a quality factor
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsTaoudi, A, Bounabat, B, Elmir, B
Conference Name2013 3rd International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb

In the project management domain, the cost, time and quality triangle, called 'iron triangle', is used to model project constraints and to define its main goals. The cost and time dimensions are highly mature and stable, but the quality dimension is considered under-researched in projects by many authors. In this paper, we will focus on 'interoperability degree' as a quality factor of information systems based on heterogeneous components that interact and exchange information between them. We will also present a methodology to manage and control execution of interoperability degree improvement projects. The proposed methodology will be based on mature and proved tools and frameworks like Control Theory and Project planning theory. © 2013 IEEE.




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