Software development effort estimation using classical and fuzzy analogy: A cross-validation comparative study

TitreSoftware development effort estimation using classical and fuzzy analogy: A cross-validation comparative study
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAmazal, FAa, Idri, Aa, Abran, Ab
JournalInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications

Software effort estimation is one of the most important tasks in software project management. Of several techniques suggested for estimating software development effort, the analogy-based reasoning, or Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), approaches stand out as promising techniques. In this paper, the benefits of using linguistic rather than numerical values in the analogy process for software effort estimation are investigated. The performance, in terms of accuracy and tolerance of imprecision, of two analogy-based software effort estimation models (Classical Analogy and Fuzzy Analogy, which use numerical and linguistic values respectively to describe software projects) is compared. Three research questions related to the performance of these two models are discussed and answered. This study uses the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) dataset and confirms the usefulness of using linguistic instead of numerical values in analogy-based software effort estimation models. © Imperial College Press.




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