Software quality requirements: A systematic mapping study

TitreSoftware quality requirements: A systematic mapping study
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsOuhbi, Sa, Idri, Aa, Fernández-Alemán, JLb, Toval, Ab
Conference NameProceedings - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, APSEC

Software quality requirements (SQR) play a central role in software quality (SQ) success. The importance of mastering SQR can be seen as obvious; however, when it comes to customer satisfaction, end-users are often dissatisfied with SQ. In this paper, a systematic mapping study aims to summarize SQR research by answering nine mapping questions. In total, 51 articles were selected and classified according to multiple criteria: publication source, publication year, research type, research approach, contribution type of SQR literature, requirements engineering activity, well-known SQ model, software artifact and SQR type. The results show an increased interest in SQR research in recent years and reveal that conferences are the main SQR publication target. Most SQR research has used case studies. The dominant contribution type of SQR research is method while specification is the main requirements engineering activity identified. SQ models need to be more used for SQR identification. Design module and requirements documentation are the principal artifacts reported in SQR literature. External and internal SQR were the main SQR types addressed in literature. Identifying empirical solutions to address SQR is a promising research direction for researchers. © 2013 IEEE.




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