Spelling correction for the Arabic language-space deletion errors

TitreSpelling correction for the Arabic language-space deletion errors
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAbdellah, Y, Lhoussain, AS, Hicham, G, Mohamed, N
Conference NameProcedia Computer Science
Mots-clésArabic languages, Automatic corrections, Computer science, Computers, Errors, Language processing systems, Levenshtein distance, New approaches, space deletion errors, Spelling correction, spelling errors

The automatic correction of spelling errors is one of the most used disciplines in different automatic language processing systems, therefore we are dealing in this article the space deletion errors. This type of error was not taken into consideration in the classical Levenshtein algorithm. In this paper, we propose a new approach for the correction of this spelling errors type. This new approach uses an adapted version of the Levenshtein distance to correct this error. For the evaluation of our new approach we used a lexicon extracted from Al Watane newspaper articles. The results showed the importance of our approach. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.




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