State of the art of the maturity models to an evaluation of the enterprise architecture

TitreState of the art of the maturity models to an evaluation of the enterprise architecture
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsLakhrouit, J, Baina, K
Conference Name2013 3rd International Symposium ISKO-Maghreb

The evaluation of enterprise Architecture EA allows companies to evaluate their current situation. More specifically, it optimizes the alignment, the business strategy, the organization, the resources, the processes and the technology. This optimized architecture provides a cost-efficient solution and also contributes to ensure the successful implementation of the purposes of the organization. However it is very difficult to find a complete method of evaluation in term of indicators of evaluation and which ensures the follow-up of all the stages of development of the architecture of company. This article presents the possibility of evaluation starting from the methods of maturity of existing enterprise architecture. © 2013 IEEE.




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