Strategic planning problem represented by a three-echelon logistics network-modeling and solving

TitreStrategic planning problem represented by a three-echelon logistics network-modeling and solving
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsHamada, Ya, Benadada, Yb, Gendron, Bc
Conference NameProceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL 2016

This article aims to elaborate a strategic plan allowing to decision makers to take right decisions (Selecting suppliers, Selecting plants that can produce a specific product,...) in the right moment in order to minimize the generated costs. Our work consists, then to optimize a multi-scales and multi-periods location-distribution problem. The problem belongs to the FLNP family with a complexity of order of NP-difficult. The objective of our problem MIP is to maximize the incomes of a production company via the minimization of costs: the cost of supplying, the cost of producing and the cost of transportation. Several aspects would be treated in this subject: the horizon of planning-multi-periods and the structure of network (multi-echelons). Based on the limits of exact methods, we have proposed to resolve this problem on the basis of a heuristic method, the choice which seems to be the most adequate for our problem is LNS (Large Neighborhood Search). It is in this perspective that we have reformulated our model [12] in order to be represented under the form of a logistic network based on paths before the application of LNS. © 2016 IEEE.




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