A support model for tutoring to facilitate and automate tutoring interventions

TitreA support model for tutoring to facilitate and automate tutoring interventions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAmmor, F-Za, Bouzidi, Db, Elomri, Aa
Conference NameInternational Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems -Proceedings

Several approaches have been used to improve online learning systems and make training more attractive and beneficial for learners. One of a prominent approach is to the e-Tutoring that can provide a personalized and continuous support aiming to increase learners' motivation, reduce feelings of isolation and avoid failure and abandonment in training. We offer in our work a support model for tutoring supporting the tutor's actions; this model collects and organize the majority of tutoring interventions to be exploited by a tutor agent in order to (1) facilitate the work of human tutor in the reuse of recorded interventions and in the choice of the most suitable to learning context and learner's learning profile, and (2) automate certain procedures for alleviate the work of human tutor of repetitive tasks, simple but boring, and for assist him in order to cope with the important number of learners requiring personalized support. © 2014 IEEE.




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