Toward a methodology to control interoperability improvement projects execution

TitreToward a methodology to control interoperability improvement projects execution
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsTaoudi, A, Bounabat, B, Elmir, B
JournalLecture Notes in Business Information Processing

In front of the increasing complexity of information systems, improving enterprise interoperability has become a crucial element for better management. To address this issue, several research projects have been launched during the last decade and have resulted in a set of frameworks which help organizing and performing enterprise interoperability projects efficiently. In addition to these frameworks, many metrics have been also developed to measure the interoperability degree between systems. However, these frameworks and metrics are not sufficient to better control execution of these projects. Indeed, they don’t take into account resource management and unanticipated events or situations that can be encountered during execution. Moreover, there is a real lack in methodologies to deal with this situation. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new approach to control interoperability improvement projects execution by using control theory, project planning theory and a specific quantitative interoperability metric RatIop © International Federation for Information Processing 2013.




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