Towards an alignment of SysML and simulation tools

TitreTowards an alignment of SysML and simulation tools
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsChabibi, Ba, Anwar, Ab, Nassar, Ma
Conference NameProceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA

Even if it is considered as an effective language for system modeling because of the descriptive aspect of its diagrams, SysML (System Modeling Language) is insufficient for verification of their behavior. This lack is accentuated by the increasing complexity of recent systems. In order to conduct behavior verifications, designers use simulation tools to realize experiments on the studied system. Thus, the efficiency of the engineering process is often reduced because of the separate and consecutive use of both SysML modeling and simulation tools. As a consequence, various research works focused on unifying the potential provided by the SysML language and simulation environments. We propose in this paper to study links taxonomy between SysML and various existing simulation environments. The ultimate goal of this study is to consider the most optimal passage from SysML to various simulation tools. A common environment based on models and modern techniques of model-based engineering will handle this transformation. © 2015 IEEE.




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