Towards an ontology-based approach for heterogeneous model matching

TitreTowards an ontology-based approach for heterogeneous model matching
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsHamlaoui, Mab El, Trojahn, Ca, Ebersold, Sa, Coulette, Ba
Conference NameCEUR Workshop Proceedings

The overall goal of our approach is to relate models - of a given domain - that are designed by different actors in different Domain Specific Languages, and thus are heterogeneous. Instead of building a single global model, we propose to organize the different source models as a network of models, which provides a global view of the system through a correspondence model. This latter, conform to a correspondence meta-model is built via a manual matching process. In this paper we explore the possibility of representing models as ontologies and take advantage of an automated process to match order to enhance the automation of the matching process.




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