The international Conference on wireless networks and mobile communications (WINCOM'16)

WINCOM'16 will be held in the imperial city and Scientific capital of Morocco, Fez, on 26- 29 October 2016, Hotel Medina Palace. WINCOM'16 aims at examining the various challenges in the areas of wireless networks & mobile communications. The conference will provide a forum for exchanging ideas, discussing solutions, and sharing experiences among researchers and professionals from both academia and industry interested in wireless networks and mobile communications.

WINCOM has been organized for the last three years, and that is in the form of two workshops. The first edition was held in Fez on December 25th,2013, the second in Rabat on December 18th, 2014.

Detailed information about WINCOM'16 is available at :



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Avenue Mohammed Ben Abdallah Regragui, Madinat Al Irfane, BP 713, Agdal Rabat, Maroc

  Télécopie : (+212) 5 37 68 60 78

  Secrétariat de direction : 06 61 48 10 97

        Secrétariat général : 06 61 34 09 27

        Service des affaires financières : 06 61 44 76 79

        Service des affaires estudiantines : 06 62 77 10 17 /

        CEDOC ST2I : 06 66 39 75 16

        Résidences : 06 61 82 89 77



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