Short: Intrusion detection quality analysis for homogeneous wireless sensor networks

TitreShort: Intrusion detection quality analysis for homogeneous wireless sensor networks
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAssad, Na, Elbhiri, Bb, Fkihi, ScEl, Faqihi, MAc, Ouadou, Ma, Aboutajdine, Da
JournalLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Volume8593 LNCS

In this paper we analyze the intrusion detection in a homogeneous Wireless Sensor Network that is defined as a mechanism to monitor and detect unauthorized intrusions or anomalous moving attackers in area of interest. The quality of deterministic deployment can be determined sufficiently by analysis, before the deployment. However, when random deployment is required, determining the deployment quality becomes challenging and depends directly on node density. The major question is centered on the network coverage problem, how can we guarantee that each point of the region is covered by the required number of sensors? To deal with this, probabilistic intrusion detection models are adopted, called single and multi sensing probability detection and the deployment quality issue is surveyed and analyzed in terms of coverage. We evaluate our probabilistic model in homogeneous wireless sensor network, in term of sensing range, node density, and intrusion distance. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.




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