E-government portals best practices: A comprehensive survey

TitreE-government portals best practices: A comprehensive survey
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsFath-Allah, Aa, Cheikhi, La, Al-Qutaish, REb, Idri, Aa
JournalElectronic Government

An e-government portal is a website that is offering various useful electronic services to the citizens. With the traditional government portals (offices), the services provided to the citizens need a lot of paperwork and many officers are required to conduct such services, and also the citizens need to be present personally, which means they have to leave their jobs for many hours. Thus, making these services as electronic ones through the web will result in great savings for governmental entities and citizens. This paper exploring the e-government portal's best practices collected from research and industry. Although these best practices exist in the literature, they are not classified or grouped in a logical way. In addition, this paper aims to provide a structured overview of these best practices according to three categories of best practices (i.e., back-end, front-end, and external). Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.




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