A traceability approach for model composition

TitreA traceability approach for model composition
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsLaghouaouta, Ya, Anwar, Ab, Nassar, Ma
Conference NameProceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA

Model composition is one of the important activities in model driven engineering, because complex systems are built based on several viewpoints. The composition operation is a tedious task, however, traceability not only provides us with the tool to comprehend its effects, but also helps us to better manage the operation itself. This paper suggests a traceability framework for the model composition operation based on aspect oriented modeling and graph transformation. The generated trace models conform to a generic metamodel that allows representing nested trace links. A merge specification case study is presented to illustrate our contribution. © 2013 IEEE.




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