A conceptual framework for personalization of mobile cloud services

TitreA conceptual framework for personalization of mobile cloud services
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsBadidi, Ea, Routaib, Hb
Conference NameProceedings of 2015 International Conference on Cloud Computing Technologies and Applications, CloudTech 2015

Over the last few years, we are witnessing the proliferation of mobile Internet devices (MIDs) and the wide spread adoption of cloud computing for both personal and corporate usages. These technologies are converging in what is known as mobile cloud computing (MCC) paradigm. This paradigm aims at addressing resource poverty of mobile devices. Several works investigated the challenges of mobile cloud computing. With the growing heterogeneity of mobile devices, personalization of services remains a challenging issue. In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework to address the issue of personalization in a mobile cloud computing environment. It aims at satisfying the mobile user needs and preferences for service provisioning. The mobile cloud service provider composes its service from a set of in-house services and from third party services using a composition plan, which adapts services by taking into account the user's profile and preferences. © 2015 IEEE.




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