Multiple active cores-based shared multicast tree for mobile IPv6 environment

TitreMultiple active cores-based shared multicast tree for mobile IPv6 environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsBaddi, Y, Kettani, MDEch-Cherif
Conference NameColloquium in Information Science and Technology, CIST

Due to the progress of network multimedia technology, internet research community proposed many different multicast routing protocols to support efficient realtime multimedia application such as, IPTV, videoconferencing, group games. These applications require a multicast routing protocol in which packets arrive to multicast receivers with minimum delay and delay variation. These applications are more important with arrival of mobile IPv6 protocol with mobile receivers and sources with continuous access. Nevertheless, the design of multicast protocols does not take into account that group members may be mobile. Dynamic group members and sources can rapidly affect quality of both routing protocol scheme and multicast tree used. The key idea of this work is to make the handover of multicast members transparent and a quick recovery mechanism to maintain an optimal multicast tree, by using MACT-MIPv6 architecture based on multicast routing protocol with Shared Multiple Active Cores Multicast Tree to hide the mobility of mobile multicast members from the main multicast delivery tree. Simulation results show that good performance is achieved in terms of handoff latency, end-to-end delay, tree construction delay and others metrics. © 2014 IEEE.




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