Nk-schemas: A novel algorithm for creating the view' schemas to materialize in hybrid mediator

TitreNk-schemas: A novel algorithm for creating the view' schemas to materialize in hybrid mediator
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAnter, S, Zellou, A, Idri, A
Conference NameProceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA

The explosion of information and telecommunications technologies, has made easy the access and production of information. Thus, a very large mass of the latter has generated. This situation has made the integration systems an immediate necessity. Among these systems, there is the hybrid mediator. The latter interrogates one part of data on demand as in the virtual approach, while charging, filtering and storing the second part, as views, in a local database. The creation of this second part is a critical task. We propose in this paper, a new algorithm for creating views' schemas to materialize in the hybrid integration system. © 2015 IEEE.




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