A Compact modified S-Shaped RFID tag antenna for metallic applications

TitreA Compact modified S-Shaped RFID tag antenna for metallic applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsEnnasar, MAa, Aznabet, Ib, Mrabet, ObEl, Essaaidi, Mab b
Conference NameMediterranean Microwave Symposium

In this paper, A Compact modified S-Shaped RFID Tag antenna for metallic applications is presented to handle the US Band. To miniaturize the antenna to a size of 49×21×1.58 mm3 and to provide a good conjugate matching between the S-shaped antenna and the ship, the technique of adding asymmetrical triangular stubs on both side of the tag chip which are electrically connected through vias to the ground plane were applied. The simulated results show that this antenna has good performance when attached onto metallic objects. © 2015 IEEE.




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