Resource Optimization of Mobile Intelligent System With Heart MPLS Network.

TitreResource Optimization of Mobile Intelligent System With Heart MPLS Network.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsOubaha, J, Habbani, A, Elkoutbi, M
JournalInternational Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies
Pagination58 - 64
Mots-clésArtificial intelligence, Computer architecture, DiffServ and MPLS, Information networks, intelligent sensors, Mobile communication systems, Quality of service, Routing (Computer network management) – Equipment & supplies, wireless sensor network

In this paper, we introduce the original Mobile Intelligent System (MIS) in embedded FPGA architecture. This node will allow the construction of autonomous mobile network units which can move in unknowns, inaccessible or hostile environment for human beings, in order to collect data by various sensors and transmits them by routing to a unit of distant process. For the sake of improving the performance of transmission, we propose a global schema of QoS management using DiffServ/MPLS backbones. We provide an evaluation of several scenarios for combining QoS IP networks with MIS access network. We conclude with a study on interoperability between QoS patterns in access and backbone networks. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]




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