Experimenting a Modeling Approach for Modeling Enterprise Strategy in the Context of Strategic Alignment

TitreExperimenting a Modeling Approach for Modeling Enterprise Strategy in the Context of Strategic Alignment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsDoumi, K, Baina, S, Baina, K
EditorCruzCunha, MM, Varajao, J, Powell, P, Martinho, R
PublisherPolytechn Inst Cavado & Ave; Univ Tras os Montes & Alto Douro
ISBN Number978-3-642-24354-7

Nowadays, the business IT alignment has become a priority in most large organizations. It is a question of aligning the information system on the business strategies of the organization. This step is aimed at increasing the practical value of the information system and makes it a strategic asset for the organization. Many works showed the importance of documentation, the analysis and the evaluation of business IT alignment, but few proposed solutions applicable to the strategic and functional level. This paper aims has to fill this gap by proposing a simple approach for modeling enterprise strategy in the context of strategic alignment. This approach is illustrated by case study of a real project in a Moroccan public administration.




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