Effect of selfish behaviour on OLSR and AODV Routing Protocols in MANETs

TitreEffect of selfish behaviour on OLSR and AODV Routing Protocols in MANETs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsAmraoui, H, Habbani, A, Hajami, A
PublisherIEEE Tunisia Sect; IEEE; Future Technologies & Innovat
ISBN Number978-1-4799-5627-2

In this paper, we'll try to discuss the cooperation of nodes representing one of the important factors in improving the quality of service (QoS) and security in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The routing protocols for MANETs are designed based on the assumption that all participating nodes are fully cooperative. In such networks, the Selfish behaviour is among the big challenges and can lead to the degradation of the network performance. We'll introduce this behaviour and. We'll propose a new profile to assess the impact on the performance of MANETs: energy, end-to-end delay, routing packets and the packets rate. The Results of simulations using OLSR and AODV protocols have shown that energy-based selfishness is a big problem and could affect the performance in MANETS depending on the mobility of nodes, size and density of the network. We'll try to prove that the selfish behaviour can be used to impact quality of service (QoS) and security in MANETS. Therefore, we need a comprehensive mechanism to cope with this behaviour to isolate selfishness nodes and we have planned to publish it in the future work as a new strategy based on game theory to encourage nodes to cooperate.




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